Localnetworking groups in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Local Networking Groups in Cambridge

Local networking groups are a great opportunity to meet like minded individuals, learn from your peers and share tips and best practice. 

If you are looking for help to resolve business issues, want feedback on any ideas you have, looking for local suppliers or just want to build your network – attending a regular networking group can help you and your business.

• Be part of your local thriving community

• Gain access to potential new customers

• Meet like minded individuals

• Get referrals/recommendations

• Meet potential investors

• Boost brand awareness

• Meet suppliers of services of products that benefit your company

There are a variety of networking groups running in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire so there’s bound to be the perfect groups for you and your business. To help you with your search we’ve put together a list of some of the local groups: 

Business Buzz Cambridge 

In-person drop-in sessions to catch up with the local business community in Cambridge.

Contact: Stephen Spencer

When: 1st Thursday of each month between 10am-12pm

Web: https://www.business-buzz.org/cambridgeshire/cambridge/

BNI Cambridge 

A referral networking group that meets weekly at Cambridge Rugby Club

Contact: Oliver Shevki Apply to visit

When: Wednesdays at 6:45 am

Web: http://bnicambs.co.uk/cambridge-bni-fitzwilliam-of-cambridge/en-GB/index

Cam Creatives

Networking group for creatives of all disciplines

Contact: Paul Smith 

When: 3rd Tuesday of every month, 7:30 pm

Web: http://camcreatives.com/

Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce 

The Chamber provides many opportunities for members to widen their network of business contacts

Contact: enquiries@cambscci.co.uk

When: Various weekly events

Web: https://www.cambridgeshirechamber.co.uk/

Cambridge Association for Women in Science and Engineering (Cambridge AWiSE) 

Cambridge Association for Women in Science and Engineering (Cambridge AWiSE) is a network group for women in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM), in both industry and academia.

Contact: Rukshana Jaman info@camawise.org.uk

When: Various

Web: https://camawise.org.uk/

Cambridge Network 

Cambridge Network connects and supports businesses within a network of over 1000 members.

Contact: https://www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk/contact-us

When: Various

Web: https://www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk/

Cambridge 100 

Cambridge 100 is a business club where senior executives, entrepreneurs, innovators, professionals, scientists, academics and technologists meet for dinner every 3 months.

Contact: info@cambridge100.org.uk

When: Cambridge 100 hold dinners four times a year

Web: https://cambridge100.org.uk/

Cambridge Cleantech 

Cambridge Cleantech is a network organisation set up to support sustainable, ‘clean technology’ companies.

Contact: admin@cambridgecleantech.org.uk

When: Various

Web: https://cambridgecleantech.org.uk/

The Cambridge Business and Professional Club 

Meet twice a month and has over 140 members.

Contact: Rich Wainwright https://www.cbpc.co.uk/contact/

When: Twice a month

Web: https://www.cbpc.co.uk/

Cambridge Pitch and Mix 

Meet at BOX cafe to connect with the startup / entrepreneurial community in Cambridge.

Contact: Massimo Gaetani 

When: Every Thursday, 8:45 – 10:00 am

Web: https://www.meetup.com/campitchmix/

Network B2B Cambridge 

Weekly networking event connecting companies in Cambridge.

Contact: admin@networkb2b.co.uk

When: Every Tuesday, 7am-9am

Web: https://networkb2b.co.uk/store/cambridge/

One Nucleus 

One Nucleus is a not-for-profit Life Sciences & Healthcare membership organisation supporting institutions, companies and individuals in the Life Sciences sector. 

Contact: Tony Jones info@onenucleus.com

When: Various

Web: https://onenucleus.com/

Women in Business Network 

The Cambridgeshire Central group covers the city and surrounding villages. 

Contact: Nikki Stock nikki.stock@wibn.co.uk

When: Meetings are once a month on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

Online, 8 times a year: 11am to 1pm

In-person, 4 times a year: 12pm to 2pm

Web: https://wibn.co.uk/page/Cambridgeshire-Central-Networking-Group

Women in Business Network 

WIBN Cambridgeshire North covers St Ives, Huntingdon, Fenlands and the A1 Corridor 

Contact: Nikki Stock nikki.stock@wibn.co.uk

When: Meetings are once a month on the second Wednesday of the month.

Online, 8 times a year: 11am to 1pm

In-person, 4 times a year: 12pm to 2pm

Web: https://wibn.co.uk/page/Cambridgeshire-North-Networking-Group

Do you want your business networking group added to our list? Please contact Sara sara@thelocalview.co.uk with your details.


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