Flag fen

A Former National Trust Manager Appointed to Rejuvenate Peterborough’s Flag Fen

A former National Trust manager has joined the team at City Culture Peterborough’s Flag Fen with plans to raise the profile of the pre-historic attraction.

Jacqueline Mooney, who has extensive experience in the heritage sector, is excited to begin rejuvenating the 3,000-year-old landscape at Flag Fen, highlighting the amazing discoveries that have been made to encourage people to discover its unique place in England’s history.

Before being appointed as general manager at Flag Fen, Jacqui worked for the National Trust for 10 years in various roles, including overseeing the operations of Dunstable Downs in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

Prior to this she was head of visitor operations at English Heritage, looking after a vast portfolio of attractions in East Anglia, Kent and Dover Castle, Yorkshire, Cheshire, North Lincolnshire and Durham.

Jacqui’s short-term goals for Flag Fen involve re-building the lost round house, a re-fresh of the visitor facilities, café, children’s play area and launching an annual pass that will grow support and benefit repeat visitors. The longer-term vision will be to create a 10-year investment programme that will connect the people of Peterborough with their history and showcase the international importance of this unique site and collection.

“I want to change people’s perceptions of Flag Fen,” said Jacqui. “Flag Fen is just a stone’s throw from Peterborough town centre, as soon as you arrive a sense of peace and calm descends, the beautiful mere and fenland landscape refreshes your soul. It’s the perfect antidote to the stress of modern life.

“My vision is to re-launch Flag Fen onto the national stage, attract more visitors and create more opportunities for local communities to get involved with this special place. I want to work with culture and heritage partners in Peterborough to attract more visitors to the region, creating income and benefit for the city as a whole.

“Flag Fen is rich in nature as well as history and is home for many red list species, birds, mammals and reptiles. I am keen to work with partners such as the City College to enhance the landscape for the benefit of nature and create learning opportunities for the people of Peterborough.”

Pat Carrington, CEO at City Culture Peterborough, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Jacqui to take over the helm at Flag Fen.

“With her vast knowledge and experience managing some well-known heritage sites in England, Jacqui is well placed to help give Flag Fen the recognition it deserves both locally and nationally. There are some exciting plans ahead that will really thrust the site into the limelight.”

For more information about Flag Fen visit www.cityculturepeterborough.org.uk

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