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Have your say on the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan

Residents in Glinton are being invited to have their say on a proposed Neighbourhood Plan for the area.

A neighbourhood plan can establish general planning policies for the development and use of land in an area. Once a neighbourhood plan is approved, the relevant planning authority will make planning decisions in accordance with its policies.

Glinton Parish Council has now formally submitted the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan to Peterborough City Council. This is the fourth neighbourhood plan to be submitted in Peterborough – plans for the parishes of Ailsworth, Castor and Peakirk have already been adopted. Further information about Glinton Village Neighbourhood Plan can be found here.

The proposed Glinton Neighbourhood Plan is now subject to an eight-week public consultation from Friday 7 August 2020 to 11:59pm on Friday 2 October 2020, and residents are invited to have their say during this time. 

You can also view the neighbourhood plan and associated documents on the council’s website.

Hard copies are available to view at Peterborough City Council’s main office (Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Peterborough PE2 8TY) by appointment only.

Comments can be made using the consultation response forms available on the above web page, though respondents do not have to use the form if they do not wish. All responses should be returned via email to planningpolicy@peterborough.gov.uk or by post to the following address, by Friday 2 October:  

Sustainable Growth Strategy, Peterborough City Council, Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Peterborough PE2 8TY   

For those that make an appointment to visit Sand Martin House to view the hard copies, please note that certain measures will be in place due to COVID-19 – attendees will be advised of the measures when making your appointment.  

For further information, or to book an appointment to view the hard copies, please contact planningpolicy@peterborough.gov.uk or 01733 863881.


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