Going Back to Work

Going back to work?

Are you faced with the uncertainty of returning to work during coronavirus? Mind have some really useful tips to help you manage

If you have to leave your house to go into work during the coronavirus outbreak, it might feel like a difficult and stressful time.

You may need to go into work during the coronavirus outbreak because you’re on the Government’s list of key workers (also known as critical workers), and you’re continuing to do important work to help and support other people.

Or it may not be possible to do your job at home, and your employer has asked you to continue going into work. 

When you’re busy doing important work, it might not feel possible to take care of yourself. But even doing small things for yourself can make a big difference to your mental wellbeing, and there are lots of ideas you can try.

Understanding difficult feelings  
If you are going into work during the coronavirus outbreak, you might experience some difficult feelings. These may be new feelings, or things you’ve experienced in the past.

These feelings might be hard to deal with if the people around you don’t share your experiences of going into work. Or they might have different reactions to similar experiences.

There is no right or wrong way to feel or react to your situation. But these are some common feelings that you might experience during this time:

• Stress

• Anxiety

• Guilt

• Anger

Taking care of your mental health and wellbeing 
If you are going into work during the coronavirus outbreak, you may find it hard to take care of your mental wellbeing.

This may feel very difficult if you come into contact with people who may have coronavirus when you go to work. Or you may be struggling if you are working long hours or under a lot of pressure.

And even though you are going into work, you may have people in your life who you can’t see for now because they are staying at home.

These are some tips to help support your wellbeing:

• Connect with people

• Use available support

• Make time for yourself where possible

• Try to keep active

• Look after your physical health

Practical guidance for going into work 
You may be worried about how coronavirus is going to affect your work. Or you may have questions about what to do if you need to take sick leave or care for children or others who you support.

These are some ways to find practical guidance and support about going into work during the coronavirus outbreak:

• Find out your rights while going into work

• Find out about social distancing while at work

Remember you are not alone. If you need help or support please do reach out. Here are just a few helpful numbers:

Mind 0300 123 3393

Samaritans 116 123

Text SHOUT to 85258

Care Network 0330 094 57450

Help at Home 01223 714433

Fenland Community Navigators 01354 695208


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