Low Budget Marketing Ideas

Attract New Customers With These Low Budget Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

When you’re running a small business, you know you need to market, but you also know your bank account doesn’t hold an endless supply of money for your marketing budget. But help is at hand. Natalie, Owner of The Little Marketing Company, has some ideas for you. Here she shares her top low-budget marketing ideas for small businesses, like you, that want to attract new customers.

Why Not Set Up Online Introductions?

How many people know about your business and what you do? Why not set up an online introduction? You could tell your audience about who you are, what you do and the benefits of your services or products. Why not promise a special deal for attendees only? This way, people will attend your online event, learn more about your business and have a discount to purchase from you.

What About Similar Businesses?

There will be businesses out there offering different services or products but targeting the same audience. Why not link up with these similar businesses and put your marketing budgets together? You can then run adverts, social media campaigns, events and more – but together. This enables you to either get more for your marketing budget, or to pay less for the marketing you do by splitting the cost in half.

Posting On Social Media

Use your spare time to post on social media pages. Think about where your audience is and what platforms they use. Then share relevant and engaging posts that they want to see. This could include photos of your products, testimonials from clients, top tips, links to blogs and more. These posts will keep you active and present online. And there is no cost, just your time.

Can Your Invoices Do More?

When you send invoices, you are sending an email to a client that already loves you and your business. Why not turn your invoice into an additional sales opportunity by including or attaching a promotion? There are two promotions that work well with an invoice. One is offering a discounted price on a small add-on service or product. The other is a ‘recommend a friend’ promotion, where both parties get a discount when the friend purchases from your business.

Why Not Contact Your Audience All At Once?

Send an email to all your contacts and ask if they would like to join your email newsletter. Make it interesting by promising special offers only available to newsletter subscribers. From the outset, be clear about what they can expect. Explain how often you will send the newsletter, what will be in it, and why they don’t want to miss out on this monthly or quarterly communication.

Join The Local View

The Local View is a brilliant and very affordable way to promote your business locally. They have loads of traffic to their website, lots of subscribers to their newsletters, and followers online. You can be featured in their business directory, have articles in their magazine, and posts, like this one, on their website. The Local View is a brilliant marketing channel to get in front of potential local customers for your business, and it’s very cost-effective too.

The Little Marketing Company have seen the expensive marketing mistakes small business can make. Why not book a consultation with them now to help avoid making these costly marketing mistakes yourself?

For more marketing ideas from The Little Marketing Company click here


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