Reach out to help out

Reach Out to Help Out – with The Local View’s campaign to support local businesses

In these uncertain times, many businesses are struggling. At The Local View, we realise how important it is to look out for one another and have launched Reach Out to Help Out, a campaign to support local businesses.

Get in touch

If you hear about someone who is going through challenging times, reach out to them. A friendly voice on the other end of the phone can make all the difference. 

Here’s an idea

Do you sometimes think of an idea that would benefit a business or come across a product, service or funding opportunity that you think would be perfect for them? Now is the time to reach out and share your ideas. Please don’t be shy. Drop them an email, message them on social media or pick up the phone. If it could benefit several people, then why not share the information on social media? – #ReachOutToHelpOut

If you think of a great idea for The Local View, we would love to hear from you, and we’re sure other businesses would feel the same, too.

Buy local

Instead of clicking on your usual big door-to-door supplier, search for a local company that stocks what you need. Many will now have their own delivery service, though you may not have realised.

Keep the money moving

If you can then pay your suppliers on time, then they, in turn, can pay theirs, the economy continues to turn, and we all benefit. 

If you can’t, let them know. In the current climate, most companies will be understanding if you explain your circumstances and tell them what you can afford to pay and when. It’s radio silence that rings alarm bells. 

So, if one of your debtors reaches out to you, and you can help, please do. Then, in the future, if you are unfortunate enough to experience difficult times, others are more likely to pay it forward to help you out. 

What else can you do when times are tough?

The Local View have asked their clients to let them know if their business goes into lockdown so that we can extend their subscription for an equivalent period.

Think about what you can do should a lockdown force one of your clients to close temporarily. Can you temporarily suspend their account and fees, reschedule work so they don’t lose a deposit, put an order they’ve placed on hold? In these circumstances every offer of help, no matter how small, is a bonus.

Now, more than ever, is the time for us to pull together. It may be rocky out there but, if we all Reach Out to Help Out now, then more of our local businesses will be able to reopen their doors in the future. 



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