The sun has finally come out to play in the UK, so it’s safe to say summer has arrived!
Here are TMacLife’s top 10 tips to help you smash your health & fitness goals.
1. Firstly establish that this ‘Summer Body’ transformation is not a temporary gain
In the same way that a dog is not just for Christmas, your health regime should become a way of life. Set a reasonable goal and make small changes daily towards it.
2. Consistency is key
Signing up to the gym is NOT the hard part. Don’t catch a case of ‘gym fever’ that will soon fizzle out. Instead pace that enthusiasm and drive so it becomes a habit and lasts for longer than a week.
3. Eat clean, train dirty
You’ve heard it before and now you’re hearing it again. You are what you eat – quite literally. If the food you eat is crap and unhealthy, then you’re bound to feel crap and unhealthy. So please, please, please do not ruin all that hard work by scoffing down a takeaway immediately after your workout session. It completely defeats the point. You are literally taking one step forward, then two steps back. Keep moving forward.

*Tip: Create a nutritional meal AND snack plan. With this, you can even incorporate cheat days. That way you won’t feel so guilty when you pig out, plus it gives you something to look forward to.
4. Have a plan
There’s nothing worse than walking around the gym floor thinking ‘Hmm, maybe I’ll try this,’ or ‘I wonder if this machine will help.’ This will only demotivate you and subsequently lead to an inefficient workout. Trust me, I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.
Instead, walk into your workout session with confidence. Own it, be certain of what it is you’re doing, then get it done. Simple.
If Wednesday is Leg Day, then be damn sure you’re working those legs. Don’t let anyone or anything come in-between that.
*Tip: Speak to an expert such as a personal trainer for advice if you feel you may need a bit of help on getting started.
5. Switch up the style
Don’t just make it about the gym floor. That treadmill view becomes a bore after a few sessions. Discover what this weird and wonderful world has to offer. Parks are a good place to start. There are also boot camps, classes, or how about the ‘insanity’ workout from the comfort of your home that just happens to be a top floor flat? Be imaginative.

6. Sign up for something
Whether it’s a 5K charity run or a bodybuilder bikini model event, once you’ve signed up and put your money where your mouth is there’s very little chance you’ll back out. So get training!
7. Make time
Think about this. There are 24 hours in a day; that’s 168 hours or 10,080 minutes in a week.
If you do 90 minutes exercise a week that’s 0.89% of your week… not even up to 1%.
There are 24-hour gyms at next-to-nothing signing up prices, or if you are really skint, turn off Netflix, pick up two cans of baked beans and start squatting. You’ve got to start at some point, and time waits for no man, or woman!
8. Challenge yourself
Once you’ve finally changed out of your onesie and you’re starting to look and train the part, why not challenge yourself to something you would have never done before?
There are so many challenges that could really help you stay motivated throughout the course of your health and fitness journey. For example, Veganuary or Meat Free May. These challenges will encourage you to find other sources of protein and explore different foods.
9. Water! Water! Water!
Water has zero calories!
It not only has ZERO CALORIES, but it also has soooo many health benefits.
And if you’re one of those people who don’t like the taste of water or find it boring, then switch it up a bit. Try adding fruit to your water bottle, drink coconut water or loose flavoured decaffeinated teas, or even munch on some watermelon – it’s 92% water. Yum!
Whatever the case, just make sure you’re getting your two litres a day. Or start a water challenge (see the previous point).

10. Don’t beat yourself up
Finally, don’t worry if you miss a day or you feel demotivated some days. It happens to the best of us. Don’t wait until the following Monday to start again, though. Just remember that something is always better than nothing, so keep moving!
We are taking on five people who want to transform their lives physically, mentally, and long term. If you are serious about starting your fitness journey, contact Tola Macaulay by emailing