Support Local Businesses

How To Support Local Businesses This Christmas

With England still in the tier system, lots of people are wondering how they will do their Christmas shopping. Local businesses need our support now more than ever before. Here at The Local View, we are a local business that loves helping and supporting our fellow local businesses.

Here are ways you can support local business:

Facebook Marketplace

Pop onto your Facebook account and go to the marketplace. It is full of local small businesses selling their treats, gifts and crafts. You’ll find delicious cakes and sweets, right through to personalised baubles, cheeseboards and more. These businesses could be based right on your doorstep and may even deliver your goodies for free, at a time that suits you. In addition, you’ll often find local homemade goodies are cheaper and much better quality than you would get from the big stores.

Reach Out To Local Shops

Which is your favourite local shop? Why not reach out to them? Try and find them on social media and check out what goodies they’re still able to sell. Share their page and posts with your friends, so they can buy from them as well. And you need to think outside the box too. An elderly relative might still not be able to get out and about, so they may really appreciate a hamper. See if your local shop is selling them. Or perhaps a group of local shops can sell you some smaller treats you can turn into a hamper.

Support Local Businesses

Gift Cards

Do you have a favourite local hairdresser, beauty salon on coffee shop? Why not purchase a gift card from the local branch and give it to a friend as a gift? Gift cards are a great way of staying loyal to your favourite local places, but your friends will then love the place too and want to go back their after they have used their gift card. The great thing about gift cards from local businesses is that you can often choose how much the voucher is worth, so you can set your budget. This isn’t always possible with larger stores that often have set £25, £50 or £100 gift cards.

Meals Out

There are two ways you can go about this, but both will have the same great result. You could purchase a meal voucher from your local restaurant and give it as a gift to a family member, friend or loved one. The other option is to give the promise of a meal out in the new year. This has two main benefits. Firstly, you get a great meal out with your friends and loved ones. Secondly, it helps you spread the cost of Christmas because you won’t need to pay for the meal until after Christmas. It also means you both have something to look forward to after the excitement of Christmas is over.

Shopping from small businesses in your local area this Christmas is a great idea. It helps keep the local economy healthy and supports someone’s livelihood. You’ll find gifts can be much more personalised, and they will be more thoughtful too. Plus, instead of fighting with the crowds in the big cities, you can be at home, relaxing in your PJs with a nice cuppa.


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