Spring is in the air, and with it has come a partial easing of Covid lockdown restrictions. The availability of the various vaccines combined with a more refined approach to testing has definitely had positive effects. However, we must not let our guard drop.
Please, therefore, continue to be vigilant. Follow all the national guidelines that we are fully accustomed to by now to ensure that we continue to make positive progress in tackling this dreadful virus.
Meanwhile, whilst life goes on in a restricted fashion, Whittlesey Town Council has continued to support the local community in a variety of ways.
Firstly, I would remind businesses of my announcement last month that £124,000 has been made available to assist any business that wishes to expand its operation. Businesses can apply for a grant of up to a maximum of £10,000 for capital purposes, such as purchasing essential equipment or extending or refurbishing premises.
Cabs for Jabs
I have introduced a ‘Cab for Jabs’ scheme. This is to assist any citizen who has to travel outside of Whittlesey for a Covid vaccination. Simply hire a local taxi and mention ‘Cab for Jabs’. Whittlesey Town Council will reimburse the taxi company, providing that the journey is solely Covid related. Similarly, the scheme has been expanded to supplement the Community Car Scheme.
Hot Meals for the Vulnerable
Whittlesey Town Council has recently given a substantial grant to The Falcon Hotel to enable them to continue providing hot meals to the vulnerable in our community. In addition, we have given an increased annual grant to the Citizens Advice Bureau. This will enable them to continue to offer much-needed advice to local people as required.

Public Electric Charging Points
Your local council has become the first authority in Fenland to provide public electric charging points. Two charging points can be found in designated parking spaces at the front of our offices in Queen Street. These are available to any member of the public who wishes to charge up their electric or hybrid vehicle whilst in the town on a short-term visit. There is absolutely no charge for this facility, as we are fortunate to benefit from energy generated from the solar panels installed on our premises.
Whittlesey Town Council continues to spend your council taxes in an economic fashion. Those of you who have received your council tax bill for the coming year will have noted that the Whittlesey Town Council section of your bill has actually decreased. In addition, Fenland District Council has retained the same level of a nil increase as in the previous year.

Finally, and with the future without Covid in mind, I can confirm that the ‘Music On the Square’ festivals will be held on the Buttercross on Sundays 18 July, 8 August and 5 September starting at 2pm. Also, the Whittlesey Christmas Extravaganza is pencilled in for Saturday 11 December from 3.30 pm. This will incorporate the switching on of the Christmas Lights by yours truly.
WORDS Cllr David KM Mason, Mayor, Whittlesey Town Council