Whittlesey Emergency Food Aid

Message from the Mayor of Whittlesey February 2022

Good news for Whittlesey Emergency Food Aid

Following my article last month, I know many of you are concerned over the future of Whittlesey Emergency Food Aid. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have given their support over what has been a difficult period.

All those who were identified as being in need over Christmas were serviced with festive supplies with the continued permission of Whittlesey Christian Church. My thanks to all who pulled together to make this happen, in particular Sue and Joe Jennings who worked tirelessly.

I am delighted to inform you that, after a meeting of Whittlesey Emergency Food Aid (WEFA) officials with Cambridgeshire County Council, Fenland District Council, Whittlesey Library and an NHS representative, an agreement has been reached to allow WEFA to continue permanent operations in the single-storey brick building in the rear car park of Whittlesey Library. At the time of writing I have completed the formal paperwork. We now await a date to make the necessary transfer of premises.

A new constitution will be drawn up, and there will be an election of WEFA officers under my continued chairmanship. In addition, we are negotiating formal agreements with local supermarkets to supply food. Meanwhile, anyone requiring assistance should contact WEFA on their new number of 07375 143146.

We now look forward to a new era for WEFA, in which we will not only continue to supply food but, with the assistance of our new partners, also be able to offer extended support to try and tackle any social issues. My thanks go to everyone who has made this possible.

Local development

A decision has been made to delay the proposed Whittlesey Heritage Centre at Kings Dyke Nature Reserve by six months. This is due to the current funding shortfall and the difficulties arising out of the prevailing Covid situation. However, whilst the building of the centre will be delayed, the seeking of full planning permission and the terms of the lease will continue. There is a prospective revised opening date of April 2023.

Many residents have expressed their concern at the news that the Saxon Pit area is to be considered for development. Principally, there are plans to build a new Science Park in conjunction with the new Anglia Ruskin University in Peterborough. The scheduled opening date is September of this year.

Any plans for development of the Saxon Pit area are at a very primary stage at present. I would like to assure residents that when more detailed proposals are put forward they will have every opportunity of scrutinising the plans before any formal applications are made.

Till next time……

Cllr David K M Mason, Mayor and Leader, Whittlesey Town Council.

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