Whittlesey Funding Local Businesses

Apply Now! Whittlesey Town Council has Funding Available for Local Businesses

As Mayor of Whittlesey, I am acutely aware of the damage caused to the local economy during the present epidemic. I would like to draw attention to funding of £124,000 that has been made available to Whittlesey Town Council by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to assist local businesses.

Whittlesey Funding Local Businesses

The funding is available for capital projects only and not to supplement revenue, as this has already been administered by Fenland District Council utilising central government funds. The maximum amount that each individual business can apply for is £10,000, so if you are in business and, for example, wish to extend your premises or purchase equipment essential for your operation, then initially please send in an expression of interest to Whittlesey Town Council, c/o the Town Clerk, Mrs Sue Piergianni at clerk@whittleseytowncouncil.gov.uk or by post to Whittlesey Town Council, Peel House, 8 Queen Street, Whittlesey, Peterborough PE7 1AY.

I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Captain Sir Tom, who not only raised in excess of £32 million in support of the National Health Service during the present Covid pandemic but also provided a much-needed light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel. His down to earth philosophy on life touched many hearts and gave much-needed comfort and inspiration. Who could ever forget him saying that tomorrow will be a better day and how appropriate that he should team up with Michael Ball to produce their version of “You’ll Never Walk Alone”, an extension of the Christian values that many hold, that will sustain them through the present crisis. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom, and thank you!

My thanks also go out on behalf of Whittlesey Town Council and the many residents of Whittlesey and the villages to the Jenner Health Centre for their efficient roll out of the Covid vaccine that has been so eagerly awaited. The operation in extremely limited space has been truly excellent, and my thanks also to the local volunteers and businesses who have supported the medical staff.

Whittlesey Funding Local Businesses

Thanks also to local businesses who have supported New Queen Street Surgery in these difficult times, acknowledging the understanding of those of us who have attended Stanground or elsewhere for vaccinations.

I would also like to applaud the majority of residents who have abided by the Government guidelines throughout the pandemic, often at great sacrifice to their own mental wellbeing, particularly those living alone. The emergence of the various vaccines will speed up the end of this terrible situation, but we cannot allow ourselves to drop our guard. Please continue to do all you can by following the rules and therefore hasten our return to normality.

Cllr David K. M. Mason, Mayor & Leader, Whittlesey Town Council

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