Whittlesey Summer Events 2021

Whittlesey’s Summer Events are Back!

As I write this article, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Apologies if it’s raining when you read the article!

However, the British Summertime is with us at last. Whilst many people are disappointed with travel arrangements abroad, let us all realise what glorious opportunities there are in the United Kingdom for holidays or even short breaks.

The onset of Covid and the restrictions this epidemic has brought should remind us of the many places nearer to home that we may wish to visit or revisit.  So, with the economy in need of a boost, what better time is there to spend nationally or even locally?

Many will travel to the traditional seaside resorts around our coastline or discover the lochs and glens of Scotland. They might go on walking or climbing holidays in the Peak District or visit the many National Trust attractions. But let us not forget the events planned nearer home this summer.

Whittlesey Summer Events 2021

Local Summer Events

The ever-popular Music on the Square organised by Whittlesey Town Council returns this year. It will take place on the Buttercross at 2pm on Sundays 8 August and 5 September.  These are free events open to all. So bring along your deck chairs, hampers, etc and have a great time singing and dancing until 6pm.

Whittlesey Summer Events 2021

BusFest, with its array of vintage transport and trips to local attractions, goes ahead on Sunday 25 July, again centred on the Buttercross.

On Saturday 31 July, the Mayor’s Summer Ball will take place at the Manor Leisure Centre. Full details and ticket applications are available through Town Clerk, Mrs Sue Piergianni at the council offices at Peel House.

On Bank Holiday Monday 30 August, the St Andrew’s Fête returns to the grounds of St Andrew’s Parish Hall in Parkinsons Lane.  In addition to the usual stalls there will be live music, an outside bar and barbeque. And afternoon tea within the hall for those who just wish to meet up with old friends and chat.  Again this is a free event.

Whittlesey Summer Events 2021

Whittlesey Festival has been cancelled this year. But on Sunday 12 September there will be an all-day event at the Manor Leisure Centre entitled Welcome Back Whittlesey – The Big Bash.  The event will comprise outdoor and indoor activities, live music, an opportunity to participate in sports organised by Whittlesey Sports Association, a Golden Age Fair and much more. Once again this is a free event.

So let’s all turn out in force at as many of these events as possible and demonstrate that Whittlesey is indeed alive and kicking!

Citizen of the Year Nominations

Finally a reminder that nominations are being sought for this year’s Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year.  After the past year that we have all experienced I would expect there to be a bumper entry this year with, so much good work that has been undertaken in the town and villages.

You can send entries to The Town Clerk, Mrs Sue Piergianni, at Whittlesey Town Council, Peel House, 8 Queen Street, Whittlesey, Peterborough, PE7 1AY. Or email clerk@whittleseytowncouncil.gov.uk

Whatever your plans, may I wish you an enjoyable summer.

Cllr David K M Mason
Mayor & Leader
Whittlesey Town Council

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